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Модальный глагол SHOULD. Сборник упражнений по английской грамматике для школьников.

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Модальный глагол SHOULD

Сборник упражнений для школьников.
Упражнения:   [544]   [545]   [546]   [547]   [548]   [549]   [550]   [551]   [552]   [553]   [554]

Следовало бы

You should work more seriously. — Вам следовало бы работать серьезнее.


You should do it. — Вам следовало бы сделать это (теперь).

You should have done it. — Вам следовало бы сделать это (раньше).

You should not do it. — Вам не следовало бы делать этого (теперь).

You should not have done it. — Вам не следовало бы делать этого (раньше).

Обратите внимание:

You should have done it. — следовало сделать (а вы не сделали)

You should not have done it. — не следовало делать (а вы сделали)

Упражнение 544. Дайте совет, используя модальный глагол should и слова, данные в скобках.

• E.g. Her diction is not very good. (to read aloud) She should read aloud.

1. I have a slight irritation in my throat. (to smoke less) 2. This child doesn't want to eat soup. (not to give her sweets before dinner) 3. She makes a lot of spelling mistakes. (to copy passages out of a book) 4. The dog is afraid of him. (not to shout at the dog) 5. The students are unable to follow what I am saying. (not to speak so fast) 6. The boy is a little pale. (to play out of doors) 7. I am afraid you will miss that train. (to take a taxi) 8. There is no one in. (to try the room next door)

Упражнение 545. Переведите на русский язык.

1. You should know how to raise your children not to be losers. 2. You shouldn't give the child everything he wants. You shouldn't satisfy his every craving for food, drink and comfort. Otherwise, he will grow up to believe the world owes him a living. 3. You shouldn't laugh at him when he picks up bad words. This will make him think he isn't cute. It won't also encourage him to pick up "cuter" phrases. 4. You shouldn't avoid use of the word "wrong". This won't condition him to believe, later, when he is arrested for stealing a car, that society is against him. 5. You shouldn't pick up everything he leaves lying around — books, shoes and clothing. You shouldn't do everything for him, otherwise, he will be experienced in throwing all responsibility onto others. 6. You shouldn't quarrel frequently in the presence of your child. Otherwise, he will not be too shocked when the home is broken up later. 7. You shouldn't take his part against neighbours, teachers and policemen. They aren't all prejudiced against your child. 8. When he gets into trouble, you shouldn't apologize for yourself by saying, "I never could do anything with him."

Упражнение 546. Скажите автору нижеследующих предложений, что надо (не надо) было делать.

• E.g. 1) I bought that book spending a lot of money. You should not have bought the book.

2) I did not buy that book. You should have bought the book.

1. So I took the child to the cinema. 2. We forgot to leave a message for her. 3. We did not wait for them because it was beginning to rain. 4. I did not put down her address and now I don't know how to find her. 5. I did not explain to her how to get here. 6. I bought a pair of red shoes to go with my new dress. 7. So I told her frankly what we all thought about her idea. 8. I have not seen the film, and now it is too late because it is no longer on. 9. My pen was leaking, so I wrote with a pencil. 10. I'am afraid I ate too much cake with my tea.

Упражнение 547. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя модальный глагол should в сочетании с требующейся формой инфинитива (Indefinite Infinitive — Perfect Infinitive).

A. 1. Вы бы сказали ей об этом. 2. Не следует вам так поздно там оставаться. 3. Ей надо сейчас же пойти к врачу. 4. Лучше наденьте шерстяные носки. 5. Им лучше начать пораньше. 6. Не следует говорить с ней по-английски. 7. Вам нужно повернуть направо. 8. Лучше скажите кому-нибудь об этом.

B. 1. Надо было сказать ей об этом. 2. Не надо было оставаться там так поздно. 3. Ей надо было сейчас же пойти к врачу. 4. Вам надо было надеть шерстяные носки. 5. Им надо было начать пораньше. 6. Не следовало говорить с ней по-английски. 7. Надо было повернуть направо. 8. Надо было кому-нибудь сказать об этом.

Упражнение 548. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя модальный глагол should в сочетании с требующейся формой инфинитива (Indefinite Infinitive — Perfect Infinitive).

1. Дети должны быть более внимательны к своим родителям. 2. Ему следует обратиться к врачу. 3. Ему следовало давно обратиться к врачу. 4. Вы не должны давать ребенку столько конфет. 5. Ему следует прочитать эту книгу. 6. Ему следовало уже прочитать эту книгу. 7. Вам следует пойти туда и поговорить с ними. 8. Вам следовало сходить туда (раньше) и поговорить с ними. 9. Он не должен был так грубо разговаривать. 10. Он не должен был забывать о моей просьбе. 11. Ей давно бы следовало вернуться. 12. Тебе не следует ходить туда. 13. Вам надо было прочитать эту книгу в прошлом году. 14. Вам бы следовало поговорить с вашим дядей, когда он приедет. 15. Ей не надо было носить такие тяжелые вещи. 16. Ему следовало помнить об этом. 17. Вы должны были попросить разрешения. 18. Вы не должны были беспокоиться. 19. Вам следует работать больше. 20. Ей следует слушать советы учителя. 21. Вам следовало бы извиниться: вы не правы. 22. Вам не следует пропускать уроки английского языка. Сравните:

You needn't have done it. — могли и не делать (это было не обязательно)

You shouldn't have done it. — не следовало делать (плохо, что вы это сделали)


Упражнение 549. Прокомментируйте следующие действия, употребляя модальные глаголы should, shouldn't или needn't.

• E.g. 1) A boy was impolite to a girl and did not apologize. You should have apologized to the girl.

2) A pupil did all the exercises in writing even those which were meant for oral practice. You needn't have done all the exercises in writing.

3) Your aunt is running a temperature. You should consult the doctor.

What will you say to the person who:
1) crossed the street under the red light?
2) doesn't cross the street when the lights are green?
3) doesn't want to cross the street by the subway?
4) doesn't take off his hat when entering a room?
5) did not help his classmate to clean the classroom?
6) has a splitting headache?
7) bought bread which was not necessary?
8) was not present at the meeting?
9) sent a telegram which was quite unnecessary?
10) went out without his coat and caught cold?
11) apologized for asking you a question?
12) didn't attend a very important lecture?
13) got up at six o'clock on Sunday morning, which was not at all necessary?
14) read till two o'clock in the morning?
15) copied the whole text into his exercise book?
16) watered the garden, and it is raining now?
17) hasn't returned the books to the library?

You should have done it. — следовало сделать (а вы не сделали)

You must have done it. — должно быть, сделали

Упражнение 550. Вставьте модальные глаголы should или must.

1. a) You ... have studied the material thoroughly. I see you have made no mistakes in the paper. b) You ... have studied the material thoroughly. Then you would not have made so many mistakes.

2. a) She ... have followed the doctor's advice. She would have recovered by now. b) She ... have followed the doctor's advice. She looks very fine.

3. a) You ... have ignored the instructions of your sports coach. That's why you lost the game, b) You ... have followed the instructions of your sports coach. Then you would have won the game.

4. a) She ... have forgotten to take her medicine, b) She ... have remembered to take her medicine.

5. a) I... have got on the wrong bus. I cannot recognize the places we are passing, b) I ... have looked carefully at the number of the bus. Now I must change buses, and I am afraid I shall be late.



I should have done it. — следовало сделать (а я не сделал)

I had to do it. — пришлось сделать (сделал)

Упражнение 551. Вставьте модальные глаголы should или had to. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму инфинитива.

1. I ... (to take) a taxi, otherwise I should have missed the train. 2. You walked all the way here carrying this heavy suitcase. You ... (to take) a taxi. 3. They won't be able to buy anything but lemonade on the train. You ... (to give) them some sandwiches at least. 4. Mother was coming to dinner, so I ... (to bake) her favourite cake. 5. You knew I was bringing people to dinner. You ... (to bake) a cake. 6. He was out when we came, and we ... (to wait) for over an hour. 7. It was raining hard. We ... (to wear) our raincoats. 8. She is quite an authority. You ... (to ask) her. 9.1 could not stand that noise any longer. I ... (to go) out and (to tell) them to stop. 10. How can you work in this noise? You ... (to tell) the children to stop.


Упражнение 552. Вставьте модальные глаголы should или had to. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму инфинитива.

1. Mike isn't here. Не ... (to leave) early. 2. The car broke down and they ... (to get) a taxi. 3. You ... (to disconnect) the computer yesterday. There's something wrong with it. You can't send e-mail now. 4. There was nothing in the fridge and she ... (to go) shopping last Friday. 5. I ... (to write) this composition yesterday, but I was too busy as I ... (to translate) a very long text from English. 6. I ... not (to take) my little brother to the evening performance, he was so excited; but I really ... (to do) so, for there was nobody at home to leave him with. 7. You ... (to see) our team play! You have missed a lot. You ... (to go) to the stadium. 8. It was a very important meeting and we ... (to attend) it. That's why we returned home late. 9. He ... (to attend) the lesson: the material which the teacher explained was very difficult, and now it will be impossible for him to write the test paper well. 10. Although he felt unwell, he ... (to attend) the lesson, because the teacher explained some very difficult material. Сравните:

I needn't have done it. — можно было не делать (а я сделал)

I didn't have to do it. — можно было не делать (я и не делал)


Упражнение 553. В следующих предложениях часть текста написана по-русски. Напишите предложения полностью по-английски, употребляя модальные глаголы need или to have to.

1. а) Вы могли и не ездить в центр: you could have bought everything you needed in the local shops.

b) Я мог не ездить в центр, as a very good department store had recently opened in our parts, so I went there and bought everything I needed.

а) Вы могли и не проверять правописание: the computer can do all the correcting.

b) Я мог не проверять правописание: the computer did all the correcting, so it did not take me long to complete my work.

а) Я мог не звонить ему, so I went to bed at once.

b) It turned out that я мог и не звонить ему, as he knew everything from his sister.

4. а) Можно было не покупать сахар, and I didn't go to the shop.

b) Why did you go to the shop? Можно было и не покупать сахар: we have enough of it.

5. а) Мы могли не тревожиться за нее, as we knew that she was taken very good care of.

b) He надо было тревожиться за нас: you see that everything is OK.

а) Можно было и не ходить туда, you have wasted your time. They have phoned us and given us all the instructions.

b) Можно было не ходить туда, and we remained at home.

7. а) Мне не надо было идти в библиотеку, as I had all the books I needed.

b) Незачем было ходить в библиотеку: you have only wasted your time. Don't you know that I shall give you all the necessary books?

Упражнение 554. Вставьте модальные глаголы should, need или to have to. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму инфинитива.

1. You ... not (to go) out in this rain; as it is you have a cold in your head. 2. It was Sunday, and we ... not (to go) to school. 3. Everything is all right. You see that you ... not (to worry). 4. You are out of breath. You ... not (to run): you know how bad it is for you. 5. You ... not (to tell) her about it. Now she is sure not to sleep the whole night worrying. 6. You ... not (to go) with her: she knows the way perfectly well. 7. You ... not (to put) so much pepper in the meat. No one will be able to eat it. 8. You ... not (to give) them any lunch. They can get coffee and sandwiches on the train. 9. We don't accept credit cards. — Well, I just ... (to pay) cash, I guess. Oh, I don't have enough cash. I ... (to give) you a checque. 10. If you see anything unusual you ... (to call) the police. 11. There ... not (to be) any difficulty about getting her a visa. 12. You ... not (to tell) him the news; he knew it already. 13. According to the label, the orange marmalade ... (to refrigerate) after opening. 14. I'm not particularly busy. I've got a few things to do but I ... not (to do) them now. 15. You ... not (to be) so impatient with him.

Мнение специалистов о книге "Английский язык. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений." Ю.Голицынский, Н.Голицынская


• Can, Could
• May, Might
• Must, Mustn 't, Needn 't
• Shall, Should
• Will, Would

  • Will, would, shall – модальные глаголы
  • Should
    Модальные глаголы should и ought to Модальный глагол should переводится на русский язык, так же как и must и have to «должен» или «следовало бы». Отличие заключается в том, что когда вы используете глагол should, вы даете совет или рекомендацию.
    Примеры использования: You look tired. You should go to bed. Ты выглядишь устало. Тебе следовало бы пойти поспать.
    Часто глагол should используется вместе с I think/I don’t think/Do you think.

    Some people think that governments should spend as much money as possible on developing or buying computer technology. Other people disagree and think that this money should be spent on more basic needs.

    Фраза should have + V3(3-я форма глагола) используется, когда вы не сделали что-либо, но сожалеете, т.к. это было бы неплохо.
    Переводится как «должен был бы сделать…».
    You missed a great party last night. You should have come. Ты пропустил классную вечеринку вчера вечером.
    Тебе следовало бы прийти.
    Так же should часто используется с такими глаголами как demand, insist, propose, recommend, suggest. They insisted that we should have dinner with them. Они настаивали на том, чтобы мы пообедали с ними.
    What do you suggest I should do? Что ты предлагаешь мне делать?

    Ought to Значение модального глагола ought to совпадает со значением глагола should, хотя в разговорной речи применяется он несколько реже. Обратите внимание на частицу to.
  • Need to – модальный глагол
  • Модальные глаголы нave to и must
  • Might – модальный глагол
  • May – модальный глагол
  • Could – модальный глагол
  • Can – модальный глагол

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